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1-23 Military Surplus & Collectibles Auction
Auction address
1149 4Th St S
Cannon Falls, MN
United States
1-23 Military Surplus & Collectibles Auction

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 09, 2025 04:45 PM CT
Ends from: Jan 23, 2025 05:00 PM CT
Auction currency
Accepted cards
There are 400 lots within this auction
Item Type
Sorted by
Bryco Arms Jennings J-22 .22LR Pistol
75 USD
Bryco Arms Jennings J-22 .22LR pistol
95 USD
Marble Arms Game getter O/U .22/.44 Pistol
1,300 USD
Italian Jager Model AP 74 Rifle .22LR
190 USD
James Gibbs, RedCliff St Bristol Percussion Rifle
160 USD
Ammunition, .22, 28 Gauge, 30-06 & More
42 USD
Daisy BB Six Gun in box .177cal single action
55 USD
4 Vintage Daisy BB Pistols .177 cal
90 USD
Daisy BB Pistol for parts & 4 misc holsters
110 USD
Outdoor Edge Blaze Knives
50 USD
Outdoor Edge Chasm Knives
60 USD
Outdoor Edge Razor-Bone Knives
55 USD
Outdoor Edge Replacement Blades
38 USD
Rothco Molle 7inch Knife Sheath
32 USD
Philippine 16in Negrito Bolo knife
65 USD
Madagascar Native Wide Bladed Dagger
42 USD
Japanese Type 30 (Last Ditch) Bayonet
85 USD
US Corn Knife / Machete
12 USD
Turkish G1 Rifle Bayonet with scabbard
20 USD
French M1874 Gras Bayonet (S=Dated 1888)
55 USD
Mexico Fundicion de Artilleria Knife with sheath
90 USD
Yugoslavian SKS Folding Blade Bayonet
28 USD
Polish WZ28 (1928) Bayonet
275 USD
Czechoslovakia VZ-24 Bayonet
75 USD
Chinese SKS Blade Bayonet
60 USD
Egyptian Hakim Bayonet with scabbard
100 USD
British Pattern 1888, MK2 Bayonet
150 USD
M1886 French Lebel Bayonet with scabbard
85 USD
British Nbr4 Mk3 Cast Spike Bayonet
14 USD
US M3 16inch bayonet scabbard
110 USD
German Eikhorn KCB-77 Long CS Fighting Knife
75 USD
Jonathan Crookes & Son V42 fighting knife
325 USD
US M3 Blade Marked Fighting Knife
425 USD
2 PAL RH36 WW2 fighting knives with sheaths
85 USD
WW2 USN Life Raft Survival Knife
26 USD
WW2 Blued Kabar Knife with sheath
110 USD
WW2 USN Mark I Blued Blade knife with sheath
110 USD
Army Air Corp Murphy Combat Knife with sheath
180 USD
6 inch Camillus Jet Pilot Knife
80 USD
WW2 Camillus USN Mark 1 knife
60 USD
WW2 USN Mark 1 knife & PAL RH-35 knife
60 USD
WWII PAL RH-35 USN Mark 1 knife with scabbard
65 USD
USN MK1 Geneva Forge knife with sheath
44 USD
WW2 PAL RH-35 USN Mark 1 knife with sheath
36 USD
2 USMC Morale Services Baseballs
42 USD
WW2 German Fireman's Dagger with scabbard
110 USD
Soviet Union Naval Dagger
190 USD
Swedish M1896 Bayonet converted to Trench Knife
34 USD
Case Cutlery Doormat
16 USD
NWTF Stone River Commemorative Bowie Knife
55 USD
Wells Fargo & Co's Express Official US Mail Knife
55 USD
Marbles Gladstone Mich. Outdoor Model 58 knife
110 USD
Marbles Gladstone, Mich. Campcraft Model Knife
160 USD
2 Schrade USA Model 153UH Golden Spike Knives
110 USD
J. Fuller Push Knife with sheath
85 USD
Olson OK Solingen 3 inch knife with sheath
36 USD
18 fixed blade knives
275 USD
5 new in box folding knives, CASE & Boker Tree
225 USD
7 boxed knives
42 USD
Arctic hand forged harpoon tip with line
80 USD